Kickstart Your Career!


made easy.

Life Support Training &
Certification Exams

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About Us

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    Zenith Career Services is a stepping stone into the healthcare industry. We provide BLS/CPR and ACLS certification courses that are valid for 2 years in all 50 states. We also serve as a test site for PSI Exams & ATLAS and the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT).

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    We provide essential services for healthcare workers of the California’s Central Valley & its surrounding regions. Our staff and instructors are fully qualified to bring you high-qualitycertification programs, ensuring that you acquire the skills that you need to succeed in yourcareer.

Career Services

CPR & ACLS Certification

hands-on BLS/cpr & ACLS Classes provide AHA-approved certification valid in all 50 states + canada.

NCCT & PSI Exams /ATLAS Testing

approved by the national center of competency testing (NCCT) and psi exams (includes atlas & True Talent)

Zenith Career Services

The peak of education; Taking you to great heights;  Is your ticket into healthcare.
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Kathy Escobedo

Kathy is an attentive, compassionate, and caring instructor with years of teaching experience under her belt.
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Dr. Peter Hickox

I am a retired obstetrician-gynecologist who has been practicing and teaching for more than thirty years.
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